Monday, 26 September 2016

HTML iframes tag | How to use html iframe tags in web page

HTML Iframe tags.

HTML iframe tags are used to display a web page within a web, we can say that Html Iframe tags are used to display a web page as a part of another web page.

Html Iframe tag defined with <iframe> </iframe> tags within the body <body> </body> tag of web page.

Html Iframe Syntax:

<iframe src="url"></iframe>

"src" attribute defines the address or path of the iframe webpage

Html Iframe Attribute:

Set Width and Height of Iframe

<iframe src="url" width="200" height="300"></iframe>

you can also use the CSS to change the width ,height size,border color style of Iframe

<iframe src="url" style="width:200px;height:200px;border:none;"></iframe>

Html Iframe full example:

<DOCTYPE! html>
<title>HTML Iframe</title>
<h1>HTML Iframe Tag</h1>
<iframe src="bookmarks_8_3_16.html" style="width:400px;height:300px;border:2px solid blue;"></iframe>

HTML iframes tag
HTML iframes 

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