Monday, 26 September 2016

HTML iframes tag | How to use html iframe tags in web page

HTML Iframe tags.

HTML iframe tags are used to display a web page within a web, we can say that Html Iframe tags are used to display a web page as a part of another web page.

Html Iframe tag defined with <iframe> </iframe> tags within the body <body> </body> tag of web page.

Html Iframe Syntax:

<iframe src="url"></iframe>

"src" attribute defines the address or path of the iframe webpage

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Html Class | Class in Html | how to use class in html

Html Class: Html Class attribute is used to define styles for Html elements with the same class name.

how to use the class in HTML
you can use the Html class attribute to define the styles for elements for different elements with the same class name.
how to use the class in HTML

Html class Example:

1.Define Class style in head Section

.back{ background-color:red; }

Class attribute starts with .(dot) then use the Class name and define style for that Html class.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

HTML List Tags:Ordered and Unordered lists style using CSS

HTML List tags are two types Ordered Lists and Unordered lists style.

<ul> and <ol> HTML list tags for HTML lists.Use Horizontal List For Menu.

HTML list tags are used to insert or create lists in the web page and website.There are two styles in HTML ordered lists and unordered lists.You can use HTML list tags to create Menu for your website.

HTML List Tags
HTML-List styles:
Ordered ListUnordered List
  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. Four
  5. Five
  • One
  • Two
  • Three
  • Four
  • Five
An ordered HTML List tag starts with <ol> tag and every list item starts with <li> tag.Every item in order list starts with Number,Upper Alphabet,Lower Alphabet,Upper Roman,Lower Roman or without any mark.

Ordered List Tag Example:

An Unordered HTML List tag starts with <ul> tag and every list item starts with <li> tag.Every item in order list starts with Bullet,Circle,Square or without any mark.

Ordered List Tag Example:
HTML List Tags

Nested HTML List Tag